Saturday, 20 February 2016

LWGS Cheshire take a trip to PING!!!!

It was an early and cold start for the 2nd years and gap years at the Lee Westwood Golf School in Cheshire.

However, the 3 hour drive was worth it to get a first class tour of the PING Factory down in Gainsborough. The boys arrived to find PING tees, a marker and a branded notebook and pen waiting for them on the tables in one of the PING seminar rooms when they arrived.

The students learnt first hand about the history of the brand, and how the founder Karsten Solheim managed to change the beautiful game as we know it today. After taking up the game at 42, and unable to hole a putt Karsten designed himself his very own weighted putter using his skills as an engineer. It was this putter that led to Karsten coming up with the name Ping, due to the sound it made at impact.

The students also got a tour of the factory floor and the process and quality checks that each club goes through before being sent out to customers, and how the TS9 face seen on the NEW G driver is tested using a high speed ball gun, that fires 1000 balls at the driver face every two seconds, each shot reaching a max speed of between 120-150 mph.

After having lunch at Gainsborough Golf Club the students hit the PING fitting suite to test out some of the latest PING equipment including the new PING G driver. They also got a chance to hit a right handed replica, even down to grip thickness of Bubba Watson's driver and take part in the Bubba Watson Challenge, which saw Matt Osborn win the longest drive contest.

Overall a fantastic day was had by all and big thanks to PING for having us. To see more photos from the day visit our facebook page at Lee Westwood Golf School, Cheshire

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